
Fire emblem heroes bluestacks update
Fire emblem heroes bluestacks update

fire emblem heroes bluestacks update

6.10.0, we will perform the following updates. Starting with the Binding Worlds event that begins in Ver. The summoning focus and surveys will both begin at the same time as the Hall of Forms Revival event at 12:00 p.m.(PT) Please see the in-game notification that goes live the day the event begins for details on the available rewards and active period.

fire emblem heroes bluestacks update

The next Hall of Forms event to return as a Hall of Forms Revival will be decided via a survey to be held on the official Twitter account. On top of the Hall of Forms Revival event, there will be an accompanying summoning focus featuring the four Heroes that appear in the revival! All players will be able to summon a focus Hero of their choice after summoning 40 times or more during the summoning event. Also, you will be able to merge normal Heroes into Forma units. However, as an exception to this, two of the same Forma can be merged. ・ The Forma you make your allies cannot be used in Inherit Skills or merges. ・ You cannot carry over the levels or skills for the Forma you developed the last time the event was held. We hope you enjoy developing Forma with additional skills or that you get a chance to make Forma your allies that you didn’t the first time the event was held!

Fire emblem heroes bluestacks update